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Evelyn Price was a natural born reader with a passion for the written word. She has always longed to weave words onto the page and create rich stories and worlds for people. Writing is the closest thing to magic Evelyn has ever found. It hasn't always been a graceful and eloquent journey, but through many of life's twists and turns, Evelyn has been incapable of avoiding the craft. 


Now, she is determined to practice and refine her skills as a writer, embracing her true passion and letting her passion reveal itself in her work. She has escaped the corporate monotany that has held her back from writing and is dedicating her life to the creative process.


Evelyn lives in New York with her family, in a quiet place fit for a writer with a love of beautiful things. She always strives to deliver a sensual and immersive experience with her writing that strikes a nerve deeper than surface level cravings. Evelyn desires to provide her readers with something meaningful and unforgettable, something that keeps them up at night in the best of ways.  

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